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Bc Municipal Leaders Gather To Talk Infrastructure Addiction Emergency Management

## B.C. municipal leaders gather to talk infrastructure, addiction, emergency management *** ### Key takeaways from the meeting: - Municipal leaders from across B.C. met in Victoria to discuss key issues affecting their communities. - Infrastructure, addiction, and emergency management were among the top priorities discussed. - The leaders agreed to work together to find solutions to these challenges. *** ### In-depth look at the meeting: On Monday, municipal leaders from across British Columbia gathered in Victoria to discuss key issues affecting their communities. The meeting was hosted by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) and brought together mayors, councillors, and other local government officials from all over the province. One of the top priorities discussed at the meeting was infrastructure. Municipal leaders are facing increasing pressure to maintain and upgrade aging infrastructure, while also finding ways to invest in new infrastructure projects. The leaders agreed to work together to find innovative ways to finance infrastructure projects and to advocate for more provincial and federal support. Another key issue discussed at the meeting was addiction. Municipal leaders are increasingly concerned about the impact of addiction on their communities. They discussed a range of potential solutions, including increasing access to treatment and recovery services, and working with law enforcement to crack down on the sale and distribution of illicit drugs. Finally, the leaders also discussed emergency management. They agreed to work together to improve coordination between different levels of government and to develop more effective emergency response plans. The meeting was a productive opportunity for municipal leaders to share ideas and to work together to find solutions to the challenges facing their communities. The leaders agreed to continue working together in the future to address these issues and to improve the lives of all British Columbians.
